
Recording videos and practicing!

Robby Kukors is a non-native speaker, but a fluency expert. He has a website where there are a lot of tips to improve our English skills. One of them is: 

If you don’t like the concept of simply voicing your thoughts out loud in English, you may engage in a somewhat similar YET a whole lot more focused activity – recording your speech on a specific subject on a camcorder and then viewing it to see how you performed.
It’s got its advantages over a simple self-practice because your speech is going to be more focused due to the presence of the camcorder, and also you’ll get to playback the recording and spot your mistakes for later correction.

Following his advice, I made the video bellow. I know, I speak only few words in this recording, but I believe it´s a good activity. 

Give it a try and make yours as well !! :) 

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