
Conversation Starter - TipTuesday#1

Hi there!!!

Did you know that you can be happier making small talk with strangers? Researchers from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business have found that. :) :)
What about doing it with other English students?

Nowadays, it´s easier being in touch with different people around the world by using tools such as: Skype, Google Hangout, Facetime etc. So, don´t be afraid of meeting students who also want to practice English. I've been making good friends doing that. :) It's fantastic to talk to people from different places and cultures.

However, it's a fact that we need some ice breaker when we meet someone new. Thus, my suggestion for this Tuesday is this small box : "Conversation Starter". You´ll find 100 question cards in there. It says "... especially designed to incite interesting conversations ...".

You can buy this book-in-a-box in bookstores. If not, on the internet there are a lot of different websites offering a bunch of questions to help us.

No excuses anymore :) :). I hope you enjoy it!!

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