
Is it worth your effort?

by Patrick Hill (my guest) 

image from here

Learning a second language such as English is rewarding in several ways: you gain a cultural understanding through language study, broadening your awareness of people of the world and their unique historical  backgrounds. 

While studying another language, you are relearning and hence acquiring an appreciation for your native language as you deduce the distinct differences and similarities of how another society communicates.  

Lastly, you garner the practical advantage that comes with being able to communicate with a foreign culture for business or social purposes.  Studying takes time and patience, but keeping in mind the inherent rewards will make it easier along the way. 

Patrick Hill grew up in Detroit, Michigan before moving to Tennessee where he began studying the Japanese language for over ten years and then traveled to Japan for work.  He earned his master’s degree in business while working within the Japanese automotive industry and afterward became a financial consultant for Charles Schwab and Company.    
Patrick currently teaches online English classes in his spare time.

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