
asking for / giving an update

According to the Macmillan Dictionary, "update" is a verb that you use "to add the most recent information to something", "to tell someone the most recent news or information about something" or "to make something more modern".

Let´s try to use it ! 

1) If you need to ask someone for an update:

Can you give me an update on what´s happening with... ? 

You can also use these follows sentences (without using "update"):

Ok, so what´s the  latest (on) ...?
Can you tell me what the status is on...?
Have you heard anything about...?
What´s going on with ...?

2) If you need to give an update :

Ok, here's what´s going on with ...
Ok, just to let you know what's going on ...
Let me bring you up to date on ...
So far that's all we know. 

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