
How to use "what's the use of" and "it's no use"?

image from here

What's the use of (doing something)?  
It's no use (doing something).
These expressions are ...

What's the use of worrying about it?
So what's the use of trying to prove my innocence?

It's no use asking me. 
It's no use - I can't persuade her.


How to use "as simple as that"

It is actually not quite as simple as that!

We must remember, however,
that the world is not quite as simple as that.

It's as simple as that. 


♫ And now, what about practicing with Paul McCartney? :) ♪

"Simple as That" was written by Paul Mc Cartney.
Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

I know it isn't easy to refuse
A lot of thoughts are flying through your head
Tell me this before you have to choose
Would you rather be alive or dead?

It's as simple as that
Would you rather be alive or dead
It's as simple as that, it's so simple
It makes you wanna cry

They ask you if you wanna join in
You linger for a minute or so
Well, now's a perfect time to begin
Are you gonna say yes or no?

It's as simple as that
Are you gonna say yes or no?
It's as simple as that, it's so simple
It makes you wanna cry

And if you love your life
Everybody will love you too
Yes, if you love your life
Everybody will love you too

It's harder when you start to get 'round
I want you to remember what I said
I know you never like to let them down
But would you rather be alive or dead?

It's as simple as that
Would you rather be alive or dead?
It's as simple as that, it's so simple
It makes me wanna cry

Yes, if you love your life
Everybody will love you too
And if you love your life
Everybody will love you too

Would you rather be alive or dead?
Would you rather be alive or dead?
Would you?

It's as simple as that
It's as simple as that
It's as simple as that

And if you love your life
Everybody will love you too
Yes, if you love your life
Everybody will love you too



Phrasal verbs - even native speakers may mix them up

Ohhhh phrasal verbs :( :(. 

Sometimes it's so hard to memorize them or even understand their meaning, isn't? 

According to Aaron, from Phrase Mix, "You have to learn phrasal verbs if you want to sound natural in English. English speakers use phrasal verbs all the time. They give our language color and life." (Aaron also teaches a new way to learn them, which by the way, it´s great. I´m going to try it. Click here to check it out. \o/ \o/ \o/) 

Many times I used to be frustrated for not mastering this topic. :( :( But yesterday, I changed my mind. :) :) . I figured out that even Americans mix them up!! Yeah... it´s true!! Take a look at this funny video from Josh Sundquist (a Paralympian, a bestselling author and motivational speaker who has an amazing youtube channel). 

Before watch the video, if you don´t know what "pull up" means, here it comes:

Phrasal Verb: Pull up
Meaning: Slow and stop a car
Example: The cab PULLED UP outside my house and I got out.


Second Conditional with Madonna

I always try to study English by using something relaxing. Today, I was reviewing the second conditional and that reminded me of a famous Madonna's song : Holiday :) :)  

For example:

past simpleWOULD + base verb
IfI won the lotteryI would buy a car.

 In Madonna's song (Holiday), she sings :

If we took a holiday
Took some time to celebrate
Just one day out of life

It would be, it would be so nice

I suggest that you take a song that you really like and something that you can easily memorize. Then, whenever you need to use the second conditional and have some doubt, remember the song. That will remind you of the correct way to use it. And, it will be easier to make your own sentence. ;) 

Now... let´s sing with her? 


Learning idioms and having fun

Idioms are not so easy to memorize, right? However, I strongly believe when we have some fun studying them, it makes it easier for us

Thus, I recommend that you follow Idiom Land, on Google +. They post idioms daily, always in a fun way. :) 


Comics - TipTuesday#7

I do know how difficult is to start reading books in English, isn't? Especially if your level is basic. So, how about doing that with comics? I remember when I was a little girl and my father used to buy many comics in Portuguese for me. Thus, I took a liking to reading. :) :) 

It's worked perfectly for me in English, as well. 

I highly recommend it. 


asking for / giving an update

According to the Macmillan Dictionary, "update" is a verb that you use "to add the most recent information to something", "to tell someone the most recent news or information about something" or "to make something more modern".

Let´s try to use it ! 

1) If you need to ask someone for an update:

Can you give me an update on what´s happening with... ? 

You can also use these follows sentences (without using "update"):

Ok, so what´s the  latest (on) ...?
Can you tell me what the status is on...?
Have you heard anything about...?
What´s going on with ...?

2) If you need to give an update :

Ok, here's what´s going on with ...
Ok, just to let you know what's going on ...
Let me bring you up to date on ...
So far that's all we know.