
Indirect questions

We've learned that when we want to make a question in English, we do that by changing the word order or by using the auxiliary "do", right? They are sentences such as: Are you happy? / Is he from Russia?/ Why did you move to Brazil?/ How much does this car cost?

However, one day, I came across an intriguing situation: I wanted to ask something by using the introductory phrase "do you know...". I had no idea how I should say the next question, though. I mean if I was supposed to use either any auxiliary verb or change the word order.

Surprisingly, I've discovered that it´s neither one thing nor the other :) :). 
Actually, it works as in an affirmative sentence. 

Better than keeping talking about this is to check the infographic bellow.

click on the image to make it bigger ;)

If you want to go any further, try these websites.
There are more explanations and exercises. 





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