

image from here

I really enjoyed it when I discovered this adjective. And I tell you why: I have a kind of love-hate relationship with some products in general, like creams, shampoos, makeup etc. It turns out I love determined brand. However, for some reason that I don´t know how to explain, it seems the item doesn´t work anymore. Over time, miraculously, it comes back to work and I feel satisfied again. Crazy, isn´t? But it happens to me and now I use "hit-and-miss" to describe this situation.  :) :)

According to The Free Dictionary: "if something is hit and miss, you cannot be certain of its quality because it is sometimes good and sometimes bad".

Go further and check it out:

Macmillan Dictionary: "not planned or done in an organized way".

Dictionary.com: "sometimes successful or rewarding and sometimes not."

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