
Get rid of the word "so"

I've been recording myself speaking English to recognize my biggest mistakes. Thus, I've noticed that I've been using a lot "so". Using fillers are an excellent way to make our conversation seem natural. However, saying these words many times doesn't sound nice either. Then, I've decided to fix it.

image from here

And today... what a great coincidence! I came across the article "Get Rid of the Word “So” to Increase Your Credibility" , that came in handy. As a non-native speaker, the overusing of the word "so" may have a different reason for me. However, these tips are also very useful to those who are learning English as a second language. I also suggest that you check this out : How Can I Avoid Filler Words Like "Um" When I Talk?

I hope you enjoy this, as much as I did! ;) 

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