

As I´ve been saying, memorizing some phrases is a good way to improve our fluency. Especially when it´s difficult to use some prepositions like TO and FOR. Here are some sentences which I try to have in mind and use when I need them.  :).

I gave a present TO him.
I´ll show the figures TO you.
He sold a car TO me. 
He sent a letter TO Marry
Can you lend this book TO me?
I paid $10 TO her. 
Read a story TO the children. 
Hand that book TO me, please. 
The teacher said good morning TO the students.
He´s going to introduce Mary TO his family
It sounds good TO me.

Le me buy a present FOR you. 
I got some food FOR you.
She made a sandwich FOR me.
Did she cook dinner FOR you?
Can you do a favor FOR me? (Can you do me a favor?)
He can find a job FOR you.
He left a message FOR you.
Reserve hotel rooms FOR us.
Can you carry the suitcases FOR me?
Could you open the door FOR me?

For more examples, go to S & K

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