
iTranslate TipTuesday#9

image fro  here

There are a lot of different online translators and dictionaries on the internet. So, it´s not easy to pick just one, right?

The only way to figure this out is trying. :) 

I've been doing this for the last few weeks by using iTranslate (the most popular translator app). It's an award winning translation tool and it's been good, for now. 

"80+ languages in your pocket" - not bad, huh? :) 


Instapaper - TipTuesday#8

image from here

How about an app that you can save web content and read it later, wherever you are, even when there is no WiFi, like on a plane?

You can also use Instapaper to highlight and share text from any article. Useful, isn't?


Describing People #1 - "He's a real character"

image from here

When you need to describe someone who is unusual, interesting or an amusing individual, say this:

You can also use it to define a place:

source: Oxford Learners Dictionaries and Oxford Dictionaries - Language matters /
Macmillan Dictionary  / Urban Dictionary