
Like x As

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Have you felt like this before?  Sometimes I try to understand better something that I believe I know quite a bit. Then, I figure out it's just wishful thinking. :) :) 

An example? The difference between "like" and "as". I use them as (or like?) I usually hear from movies, tv shows, conversations with friends etc. Today I decided to go further. However, everything I saw made me confused hehehe, like (or as?) this website.

Anyway, how about paying attention to this topic and try to use it as better as we can? :). 

I also found this video from engvid.com . I suppose it´s fairly good.


Vintage smartphone

No... I deny saying I´m an old person, hehe. 
However, I know very well this. Actually, when I was a child, people didn´t even have a phone in their homes, let alone something to carry with them. I´m grateful to be alive and see what technology has done to us so far  :). 

from here


Setting a table and learning vocabulary

image from here

As a hospitality expert, one of the things that I need to know it's how to set a table for a formal dinner. Thus, I decided to review this topic in English. It´s one more way to combine my interests and my studies. :)


Are you learning English or Portuguese? TipTuesday#3

The first times when I was starting to practice English with native or other students from others countries, I used to feel nervous and it would be more difficult to have a good communication. So, I decided to memorize some basic sentences to make de conversation more effective. Thus, I´ve found this book at a bookstore. Maybe you are wondering why I´ve bought a book for people who are learning Portuguese. The answer is simple: in this material I have a bunch of basic expressions to use daily and in informal situations. I wanted to have a different view of our language and, at the same time, learn common expressions most used by foreigners, since the author is originally from San Fransisco, USA. 

I highly recommend you try this "reverse path"!! :). It´s worth it. 


Although I lost track of how many times I've tried to learn this topic, it´s hard to use it properly, don´t you agree with me?. Hence, anytime I find something related to it, I try to master this, once and for all. :)
This infographic is my suggestion for today. It's an amazing material from "The Oatmeal". So, let´s go! Click on here and have fun.

update: I´ve got an import comment from a native speaker about this topic on my Facebook page:

Patrick Hill To who are you speaking? Ha! The article says whom adds no effect or clarity to the language? Wrong. An educated speaker of English would notice if you didn't use whom and judge you accordingly. Just because many Americans don't get it right doesn't make it correct usage of the language. It's not a word to be discounted outright in spite of our many trends of bad English. "May I please speak with George?" (response) "This is him." (Corollary to whom) Wrong. 
"This is he." Correct! 
If there is an incorrect way there is also a correct way. Don't take the easy way out of mistakes with language. People who know better will notice.

Danniella Nascimento Ohh.. thanks a lot, Patrick. It´s really important to have an opinion from a well educated native speaker. 
Just as in English, this also happens in Portuguese. I mean, we have words or expressions that are considered right only because of the usage, e
ven when they are wrong. However, it´s not good when some of them are used in a heavily wrong way and people who know what´s correct, can notice it. They can wrongly judge you by how you speak the language. I got it.  

Thanks again for you comment and feel free to make others, whenever you want . It´s always welcomed. 


Do you know how to use English punctuation ?

I´ve got this picture from an American friend and I thought it would be great sharing with you because, sometimes, it´s something hard to master, even when it comes to our native language. Let´s try to use it properly :) . 

click on the image to see it bigger ;)


TOEFL Flashcards - TipTuesday#2

How do you learn vocabulary? For those who enjoy the famous flashcards and are studying for the TOEFL test, my tip for today is "Essential TOEFL Vocabulary". 500 words with definitions, pronunciations, and terms in context. :) 

If you´d prefer, you can click on here and have a virtual version (without examples).


Speaking of soccer (or football) ...

Who knows me well, also knows that I love watching soccer games. I support Santos in Brazil (the Pelé's and Neymar's team) and I really like Barcelona as well. I've been following matches and news for more than 10 years: collecting photos, videos, jerseys... whatever it´s possible :) :). 

Yesterday I went to store where they sell everything about Santos. I took some photos and even recorded a short video.

Maybe you are wondering what this topic has to do with my English studies. I´m going to tell you :) :) On Santos' website there is some information written in English and I also try to read it whenever is possible. It´s one more English exercise that I can do by using things that I really enjoy!

It´s my method "learning and having fun" - the best way to improve my skills!!
Give it a try. Maybe yours is the same !

Ahhh ... my suggestion for those who like soccer how much as I do: 
follow the World Cup Matches live blog here! They describe each game minute-by-minute in English :)


And the World Cup in Brazil is underway!

Brazil won the opening game and of course I´m happy for that. Ok ok... I also agree that  penalty was controversial. But, the score was 3 x 1 and we are excited for the next one :) :) .

Besides the matches, the World Cup is another nice opportunity to practice our English listening. Many people who are participating in this amazing event, somehow, use the language to give interviews on tv. Also, it´s a perfect time to learn new expressions and try to understand different accents. So... let´s get down the business: 

BBC has an excellent soccer vocabulary and you can check it out, here!!!


Conversation Starter - TipTuesday#1

Hi there!!!

Did you know that you can be happier making small talk with strangers? Researchers from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business have found that. :) :)
What about doing it with other English students?

Nowadays, it´s easier being in touch with different people around the world by using tools such as: Skype, Google Hangout, Facetime etc. So, don´t be afraid of meeting students who also want to practice English. I've been making good friends doing that. :) It's fantastic to talk to people from different places and cultures.

However, it's a fact that we need some ice breaker when we meet someone new. Thus, my suggestion for this Tuesday is this small box : "Conversation Starter". You´ll find 100 question cards in there. It says "... especially designed to incite interesting conversations ...".

You can buy this book-in-a-box in bookstores. If not, on the internet there are a lot of different websites offering a bunch of questions to help us.

No excuses anymore :) :). I hope you enjoy it!!


Five ways to make and accept apologies

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Making apologies
Accepting apologies
I’d apologize for...
Don’t apologize.
Please, forgive for...
I quite understand.
I’m terribly sorry for...
Forget about it.
I must apologize for ...
No need to ...
I do apologize for ...
It doesn’t matter.

For more examples, click here.


How to say "yes"

image from here



Sounds great!



source: Engvid


➪ Interesting TO x Interesting FOR

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Something you do is interesting FOR YOU.

Something people do or say is interesting TO YOU.

It seems difficult, but it´s not. :) Take a look at some examples:

It´s not very interesting FOR ME to come home now.

It sounds great TO ME.

source: UsingEnglish


English Attack

Today a friend of mine introduced me to this interesting website. There are dynamics exercises and the method is based on film clips and practice games. I did the first part by using the X-Men clip and it was great and the instructions are in Portuguese (if you´d prefer). There is also the "photo vocab", a game where you practice vocabulary with photos. It's possible to follow up how much time you are spending per week with your English studies, what´s really good. :)

As far as I know, it's a paid service. However, there are free activities (free trial) and it´s a nice opportunity to check if it's worth it (if it works for you) or, at least, it's one more chance to practice. :). Click on the picture above, to try it. ;)


10 ways to say "I don't know"

I don´t know...

who is going to the party.
what to do; to say; to cook.
when he's arriving.
where my glasses are.
why she left her job.
how to reach him; to drive.
how much it costs.
how many people were at the concert.
how often he goes to the club.
whether Jane has arrived.
if I locked the door.
