
How to use "full of oneself"

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What does full of oneself mean? 

"Thinking that you are very important in a way that
annoys other people. " (Cambridge Dictionaries online)

"I couldn’t stand him, he was so full of himself." 


kind of x somewhat

image from here

kind of  (informal) : "used when you are talking about someone or something in a general way without being very exact or definite" (Macmillan Dictionary).

somewhat (formal) : "to some degree but not to a large degree" (Macmillan Dictionary). 


What's "how'd" ?

image from here

HOW'D is a contraction of "how did" or "how would" 

How'd [how did] you like your meal?
How'd [how would] you like to go to the beach?


10 ways to say I don´t know #2

image from here

For those days when you are teaching or making a presentation and people ask questions you can't answer, either because you don´t remember or because you don't know.

I'll get back to you on that one.

Let me find out for you.

I'll double check and let you know.

I'm not 100% sure on that.

Let me look that up for you.

I don't have that information here right now.

I haven't a clue. 

I'm not sure.

Your guess is as good as mine.

Beats me. 
